What if I can only stay one night?
We understand that the some may have time restrictions or budget restraints. Part of the agreement we made with Country Lake Retreat Center is that we would only offer an ALL INCLUSIVE weekend event, one price option to our attendees. Which means, if you can only stay one night, your cost is the same as if you were staying two.
What is the Dress Code?
We want you to be formal COMFY! The dress code is totally casual. This is your time to be with friends, relax, learn and be comfortable.
Do I have to buy a Tshirt?
No! But we do take a group photo on Saturday, so if you want to blend in. Totally your call! You’re on vacation!
Can I bring my kids?
Seriously, we love kids, ummmm we are are homeschool Moms. But this retreat is for moms only. Women will be leading in song, prayer, teaching, etc. so there are no dads allowed. If you are a nursing Mom your babe is welcome. We have no child care provided.
What if I have food restrictions or allergies?
Country Lake Retreat Center has a full time chef on property. They are committed to accommodating all our attendees’ dietary needs. We are not permitted to use their kitchen but they are happy to adjust your meals. Please annotate your specific dietary needs at registration.
When registering for the Retreat you may note who you would like to room with or leave it blank to be paired with Sisters who need roomates.
I’m new. What should I expect?
Each person will be assigned a number. You will be called upon at our first session to give a two minute speech on why you chose to homeschool. Just kidding. You will find the Retreat to be a fun time for all, but no pressure to be out of your comfort zone unless you want to be! We will have speakers address the whole group, panel discussions where you can ask questions, informal social time, and breakout sessions where you can be in small group where you can choose a class suited for your needs. You may come a newbie, but you will leave with a very large family supporting you.
Can I bring my friend? She is really cool, and she is a homeschool mom, but she is not a member of the church?
Our goal at the COCHE Retreat is to be able to freely share and discuss as sisters in Christ and for that reason, this is limited to members of the church of Christ (hence the name) There are so many opportunities to socialize and learn from friends at other times as well as encourage them and open doors for the gospel. This Retreat however, remains a COCHE Retreat..
What if I am told Registration is full?
Let Vicky know you would like to be put on the waiting list. Things change!
Are there any rules at Country Lake Retreat Center I need to be aware of?
Our contract states: Decent and modest clothing is required at all times. We ask our guests not to wear pajamas or lounge sleepwear in public areas. Footwear is to be worn at all times. No alcoholic beverages/tobacco products/drugs are allowed anywhere or anytime. No guns/knives/weapons of any kind are permitted anywhere or anytime on the premises. If brought to the facility, leaders will be required to lock them in their trunks or secure them in the director’s office. Pets and other animals not permitted. Maintain the cleanliness of facilities during and after the program. Your group is responsible fro the cost to repair or replace any damage beyond normal wear and tear. Attaching items to walls not allowed.
This seems like an amazing Retreat! However, I cannot attend due to (insert issue). How can I help?
Pray Pray for our speakers by name. Pray for our efforts to encourage Moms on this journey towards Heaven! You may also donate (button below) so we can help moms attend who may be in a financial pinch, or just to help us have some wiggle room in the budget! We even welcome donations from proud grandparents or happy husbands! You can also donate LOL.