Church of Christ Home Educators Retreat
March 6-8, 2025
Country Lake Retreat Center
Underwood, Indiana
He is My Strength,
My Song
Psalm 118:14
2025 C.O.C.H.E. Retreat
Who are we?
Lord willing we will assemble for year number ten Mar 6-8, 2025. This year’s theme is He is My Strength, My Song Psalm 118:14. Some moms choose to attend solo and really “retreat” for some personal reflection, some moms carpool with other moms to make a girls’ trip, and some moms travel to KY with their families to take an extended vacation before or after the retreat.
COCHE Attendee Reviews
What are they saying?
"I don't have the money." "I don't have time to go." These were my two main reasons for not going. March is my getting close to the end of the year panic 🙄 mode time and we seem always to be strapped for cash. I spent so much time trying to convince myself that I could handle things on my own, but home schooling can be lonely at times and we are not meant to always "handle things alone." COCHE is uplifting, inspiring and educating. Mostly, it is the simple things. The hugs and smiles. Hearing the words, “Yes, I can so relate to what you are saying!” The ideas that send multiple lightbulbs off in your head for your own school. The time when you feel like you are just out of wind and can go no further only to learn that yes you can!!! You can do this!!! I find that I leave feeling like I have just put on the whole armor of God and nothing can bring me down!! Just go!!!! Don't think about anything but making this commitment to feed your heart, soul and mind!!!! You will not ever regret this time with like minded sisters.
Shelley L.
I believe one of the best reasons to consider the COCHE Retreat is to help overcome the feeling of being alone. It’s so encouraging to know that so many families are being intentional about how they weave secular education along with our daily walk of Christian duties. It shines light on the “WHY” that every homeschool family feels so strongly about at the beginning but can easily be forgotten when tough times come to pass.
Kayla H.
The COCHE retreat has been a blessing not only to me, but to my family as well. Having a time to gather with like-minded Christian sisters has been encouraging to me and has given our homeschool a much needed mid-year refreshment. I have gained wisdom and insight from seasoned homeschooling mamas, and that has helped me to find joy in this journey. If you're thinking about coming, please DO! And make sure you spend some time with Vicky....she is precious and gives the BEST hugs!
Jessica D.
Want to help a mom attend COCHE?
Consider making a special contribution
COCHE is now a ministry of the Walnut Grove church of Christ.
Country Lake Retreat Center
815 Country Lake Rd
Underwood, IN 47177
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